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secrets of the internet

TODAY IS: 2025-02-27



Internet here... there, everywhere but few were aware of the possibility of a 100 percent free and full access of the net. Well, if you are new in the wap world, this tips and tricks section might be of great help for you to start with...
>>free net with s60 phone using opera mini
>>setting up s40 phones for free net access
>>free net via opera 8.65
FREE MOBILE INTERNET! Yeah you heared it right...How?...Ok, here is one easy way to do it. *This is for s60v2 phones only and its called IP TRICK. 1. Download and install opera 8.65 on your handset. 2. Go to settings>connection>access points... 3. Create a new accespoint and edit these fields. 3a. Access point name- you can use any name you wish. 3b. Data bearer- switch to "packet data". 3c. Access point- use 1 of these according to your network operator: Globe= http.globe.com.ph, Smart= internet, etc... Homepage- again this conforms on your network operator.Ex: Globe=http://t.globe.Com.Ph, Smart=http://wap.Smart.Com.Ph 3d. Goto>advance settings>proxy server and use a free proxy server, ex= spacethru.Com (you can use alpha numeric or numeric ip). 3e. Proxy port= 80...Done 4a. open ur opera goto menu>settings... Set your configuration as the default access point. 4b. Define your browser homepage or create ur bookmark given at "3c". Save settings. 5. Press menu>homepage or select ur bookmark. 6. Use the proxy page url form to navigate the internet. Brought to you by: edison
>>smart free tv streaming settings
>>rtsp channels for tv streaming
>> opera mini server list
>>where to find more tricks?






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